Thursday, April 20, 2006

Africa puzzle game

Africa Puzzle game by Chris Hoges. You start with a map of Africa showing the country names. Then when you click a button some of the countries are removed off the map and you have to put them back correctly

There are 5 levels of difficulty: variables are the number of countries removed from the map, whether the names are shown on the countries or not and whether a template showing the shape of the countries is shown or not

easiest - names shown, template shown, only a few countries removed from map
easy - names shown, template shown, more countries removed from map
medium - names shown, template shown, all countries removed from map
hard - names shown, template not shown, all countries removed from map
hardest - names not shown, template not shown, all countries removed from map


The screenshot shows an easiest level game: names shown, template shown, only a few countries removed from the map

I really like this game because the different levels allow you to gradually learn the names, shape and location of the countries.


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